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Secure Your IT Career Dream
with Tecddy

Accelerate your ideal IT career with our resume centralized platform.

Get personalized job matches, apply seamlessly, and receive quicker responses from employers. Gain a competitive edge with our technical assessments and interviews, and receive personal support from our talent partners. Join us today and discover your IT jobs.

What we do

Don't Get Lost in the Crowd—Start IT career with Tecddy

Our AI-powered platform ensures your resume reaches the right employers quickly, speeding up your IT career journey with faster responses.

AI-Powered Job Matches

Discover IT job opportunities that align with your IT career goals. Our advanced AI matching algorithm analyses your resume to provide personalized IT job recommendations.

Effortless Applications

Say goodbye to tedious application processes. With us, applying for IT jobs is fast and simple—submit your resume in just a few clicks.

Centralized Profile Management

No need to upload multiple versions of your resume. Simply update your profile in one centralized place, ensuring it reaches employers quickly for the best IT job opportunities.

Faster Response Times

Our AI-powered platform speeds up the hiring process, cutting down the wait time for IT job responses. Get ready to hear back sooner and advance your IT career faster.

Gain a Competitive Edge

Stand out in the competitive IT job market with our technical assessments and interview preparation. Impress employers and boost your chances of landing your dream IT job.

Personal Support

Receive personalized support from our talent partners, who will guide you through the IT job search process and help you succeed in landing the perfect IT career opportunity.

How it Works


Create your Resume

Build your resume and tailor your IT job preferences to highlight your skills, experience, and IT career goals, ensuring you attract the right job opportunities in the IT industry.


Apply with Ease

Explore personalized IT job matches and apply effortlessly with a single click using our streamlined application process, designed to help you secure the best IT career opportunities.


Get Vetted

Stand out from the IT job competition by completing our technical assessments.


Receive IT jobs interview

Discover tailored IT job matches and apply instantly with just one click- designed to connect you with the best IT career opportunities.


Track Your Applications

Keep your IT job search organised by tracking your application status in our dashboard. Monitor your progress and receive real-time updates on employer responses.