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HongKong Playinjoy Technology Limited
Full Stack Developer Programmer
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我們正在尋找一位經驗豐富的Python後端開發工程師加入我們的團隊,參與開發基於Stable Diffusion和ComfyUI的AI繪圖軟體專案。


1. 參與設計和開發圖像生成系統的整體架構,將設計師研發的工作流程封裝成對應模組,並負責相關的邏輯處理、資料處理和模型管理。

2. 與前端、業務端開發團隊緊密合作,提供高效率的API介面支援。持續優化系統效能,確保高效率的影像產生和處理速度。

3. 及時回應和解決系統中的技術問題,確保系統的穩定性和可靠性。

4. 參與程式碼評審與技術討論、編撰必須的技術文檔


1. 本科及以上學歷,電腦相關專業,三年以上Python開發經驗,有後端開發及系統架構設計經驗;

2. 熟練Django、Flask等主流Python Web框架及MySQL、PostgreSQL資料庫的使用;

3. 熟悉影像處理及產生相關流程與演算法,有使用Stable Diffusion、ComfyUI、WebUI及類似技術的經驗者優先;

4. 了解大語言模式LLM微調、RAG及相關AI技術經驗者優先;

5. 了解分散式系統架構,有Docker、k8s等容器技術經驗者佳;

6. 了解一門或多門其它相關程式語言或技術堆疊(如Java、JS、Go、C等)者優先;

7. 具備良好的學習能力,對新事物有興趣了解,嘗試;可承受較大的工作壓力,有團隊意識和鑽研精神。


We are looking for an experienced Python backend development engineer to join our team to participate in the development of AI drawing software projects based on Stable Diffusion and ComfyUI. You will be responsible for the architecture design and core module development of the image generation system to ensure that the system operates efficiently and stably. 

【Job Responsibilities】 

1. Participate in the design and development of the overall architecture of the image generation system, encapsulate the workflow developed by the designer into corresponding modules, and be responsible for related logic processing, data processing and model management. 

2. Work closely with the front-end and business-side development teams to provide efficient API interface support. Continuously optimize system performance to ensure efficient image generation and processing speeds. 

3. Respond to and solve technical problems in the system in a timely manner to ensure the stability and reliability of the system.

4. Participate in code review and technical discussions, and compile necessary technical documents 【

Job Requirements】 

1. Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science, more than three years of Python development experience, back-end development and system architecture design experience; 

2. Proficient in Django, Flask and other mainstream Python web frameworks and MySQL and PostgreSQL databases; 

3. Familiar with image processing and related processes and algorithms, experience in using Stable Diffusion, ComfyUI, WebUI and similar technologies is preferred; 

4. Experience in large language pattern LLM fine-tuning, RAG and related AI technologies is preferred; 

5. Understand distributed system architecture, experience in container technology such as Docker and k8s is preferred; 

6. Knowledge of one or more other related programming languages or technology stacks (such as Java, JS, Go, C, etc.) is preferred; 

7. Have good learning ability, be interested in understanding and trying new things; Able to work under pressure, have a sense of teamwork and research spirit.



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HongKong Playinjoy Technology Limited